common plumbing issues

What are some common plumbing issues that homeowners may encounter?

As a homeowner, it’s important to be prepared for common plumbing issues that you may encounter. From dripping faucets to clogged toilets, understanding these problems can help you address them quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will explore 15 common plumbing issues that homeowners commonly face and provide practical solutions to help you handle them.

Dripping Faucet

A dripping faucet is not just an annoyance, it can also lead to wasted water, rust, and rot in your plumbing system. Did you know that a faucet that drips once a second can waste over 2,000 gallons of water per year? That’s a significant amount of water going down the drain, along with your hard-earned money.

Not only does a dripping faucet contribute to water waste, but it can also cause damage to your pipes and fixtures. The constant dripping can lead to rust and corrosion, which can weaken the integrity of your plumbing system over time. Additionally, the moisture from the dripping can create the perfect environment for rot and mold to develop.

To address a dripping faucet and prevent further damage, it’s important to take action promptly. In many cases, the culprit behind a dripping faucet is worn-out O-rings or other internal components. By replacing these components, you can stop the drip and save water.

If you’re not comfortable with DIY plumbing repairs, it’s best to call a professional plumber to fix the dripping faucet for you. They have the knowledge and experience to identify the underlying cause of the drip and ensure a proper fix.

Replacing O-rings

To fix a dripping faucet, one common solution is to replace the O-rings. O-rings are small rubber seals located inside the faucet handle or spout. Over time, these O-rings can wear out or become damaged, causing leaks and drips. By replacing the O-rings, you can restore the proper function of your faucet and eliminate the drip.

When replacing O-rings, it’s important to shut off the water supply to the faucet first. This can usually be done by turning off the water valves located under the sink. Once the water is turned off, you can disassemble the faucet and remove the old O-rings. Make sure to clean any debris or buildup inside the faucet before installing the new O-rings. Finally, reassemble the faucet and turn the water supply back on to test for leaks.

Remember, a dripping faucet is not just a minor inconvenience. It wastes water, contributes to rust and rot, and can lead to higher water bills. Take action as soon as you notice a drip to prevent further damage and ensure the efficient operation of your plumbing system.

Running Toilet

A running toilet can be a significant source of water waste. In fact, a small toilet can waste about 20-30 gallons of water per day if it’s continuously running leaking water waste. This problem is often caused by a leaking flapper, which is a rubber valve that controls the water flow from the tank to the bowl. When the flapper doesn’t seal properly, water keeps flowing into the bowl, causing the toilet to run constantly leaking flapper.

To resolve this issue, you may need to adjust or replace the flapper replacing the leaking flapper. Start by turning off the water supply to the toilet and flushing to empty the tank. Then, examine the flapper to check for any cracks or signs of wear. If the flapper is damaged, you can find a replacement at your local hardware store. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the new flapper, ensuring a tight seal adjusting or replacing the leaking flapper.

Clogged Toilet

Clogged toilets can be a messy and inconvenient plumbing issue for homeowners. Not only can a clogged toilet cause overflow and damage to your bathroom, but it can also create unpleasant odors in your home. Dealing with a clogged toilet promptly is essential to prevent further complications.

For minor clogs, you can often resolve the issue yourself using a plunger. The suction created by the plunger can help dislodge the blockage and allow the water to flow freely again. However, if the clog persists or if you experience multiple clogs in a short period, it may be an indication of a more serious problem in your sewage system.

When faced with persistent or recurrent clogs, it’s best to contact a professional plumber. A plumber will have the necessary expertise and equipment to diagnose the root cause of the clog and resolve it effectively. They can also inspect your sewage system for any underlying issues that may be contributing to the clogs, such as tree root intrusion or damaged pipes.

By relying on a professional plumber, you can ensure that the clog is properly cleared and minimize the risk of a sewage backup or other related problems. They can also offer advice on how to prevent future clogs and maintain the proper functioning of your toilet and sewage system.

Need Immediate Help?

If you’re currently dealing with a clogged toilet or any other urgent plumbing issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to a reliable and experienced plumber. They can provide timely assistance and ensure that your plumbing problems are addressed efficiently and effectively.

Slow or Clogged Drains

Slow or clogged drains can be a frustrating problem that many homeowners encounter. Over time, hair, soap residue, and other debris can accumulate in the pipes, leading to slow drainage or a complete clog. This not only disrupts your daily routine but can also cause unpleasant odors and potential water damage.

If you’re dealing with slow drains, there are a few steps you can take before calling a professional plumber. One option is to try using a drain cleaner to break down the buildup and restore proper flow. However, it’s important to be cautious when using these products, as they can contain harsh chemicals that may damage your pipes. Always follow the instructions carefully and consider using a drain cleaner that is specifically formulated for your type of plumbing system.

If the problem persists or if you have a completely clogged drain, it’s best to seek the expertise of a professional plumber. They have the necessary tools and expertise to diagnose and fix the issue quickly and efficiently. A professional plumber can also help determine if there are any underlying plumbing problems that may be contributing to the slow or clogged drains.

Water Heater Not Working

When your water heater is not working properly, it can disrupt your daily routine and leave you without hot water. There are a few common issues that may cause your water heater to stop working, such as a malfunctioning pilot light or a faulty heating element.

If you notice that your water heater is not producing hot water, the first thing to check is the pilot light. The pilot light is a small flame that ignites the gas burner and heats the water. If the pilot light is not lit, you can relight it following the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if the pilot light keeps going out or won’t stay lit, there may be an underlying problem that requires professional assistance.

In some cases, the heating element inside the water heater may be the culprit. The heating element is responsible for heating the water inside the tank. If it becomes faulty or damaged, it may need to be replaced. This is a job best left to a professional plumber, as working with electricity and water can be dangerous.

Lastly, a leaking water heater may also cause it to stop working. A leak can result in a loss of pressure and prevent the water from heating properly. If you notice any signs of leakage, such as puddles around the water heater or a constant dripping sound, it’s important to address the issue promptly. Depending on the severity of the leak, you may need to have your water heater replaced.

It’s important to remember that water heaters are complex appliances and diagnosing and repairing issues should be left to professionals. Contact a licensed plumber to inspect and fix your water heater if you are experiencing problems with its functionality.

Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can cause water damage and create breeding grounds for bacteria and insects. The constant drips and leaks not only waste water but also lead to structural issues in your home.

If you notice any signs of water damage, such as water stains on walls or ceilings, a musty odor, or mold growth, it’s essential to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage.

The most common causes of leaky pipes are worn-out fixtures or pipe joints. Over time, the constant pressure and usage can cause these components to deteriorate, resulting in leaks. If left untreated, leaky pipes can lead to costly repairs and extensive water damage, affecting the integrity of your home’s structure.

To prevent further damage, it may be necessary to replace the worn-out fixture or repair the pipe. Depending on the severity of the issue, you may need to consult a professional plumber to assess the situation and provide the appropriate solution.

Low Water Pressure

Are you experiencing low water pressure in your home? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Low water pressure can be a frustrating issue, but with a little troubleshooting, you can often find the cause and resolve the problem.

There are two main causes of low water pressure: issues with the utility’s water supply and blockages in your internal pipes.

To determine if the low water pressure is caused by the utility, start by checking if your neighbors are also experiencing the same issue. If they are, it’s likely a problem with the utility’s water supply. In this case, it’s best to contact your local utility company to report the issue and get an estimate of when it will be resolved.

If the low water pressure is isolated to your home, the problem may lie within your internal plumbing system. Blocked pipes or clogged fixtures can restrict the flow of water and result in reduced pressure.

To check for blockages, start by examining individual faucets. Remove the aerators from each faucet and clean them thoroughly. Over time, sediment and mineral deposits can accumulate, leading to reduced water flow. Cleaning or replacing the aerators can often improve water pressure.

Blocked Pipes

If cleaning the aerators doesn’t solve the issue, it’s important to check for blockages in your pipes. A blockage can occur due to a buildup of debris, sediment, or even tree roots infiltrating the pipes.

One way to identify a blockage is to turn on multiple faucets simultaneously. If the water pressure remains low across all faucets, it’s likely a sign of a blockage in the main water line or a common supply pipe. In this case, it’s best to contact a professional plumber who can use specialized equipment to locate and clear the blockage.

If the low water pressure is isolated to a single fixture or room, there may be a localized blockage. You can try using a plunger or a plumbing snake to remove the blockage. However, if you’re not confident in your plumbing skills, it’s recommended to hire a professional plumber to handle the job.

In some cases, low water pressure can be a symptom of a more serious plumbing issue. For example, a broken or collapsed pipe can significantly impact water flow. If you suspect a major problem with your plumbing system, it’s crucial to contact a professional plumber for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.

Remember, low water pressure can have various causes, and it’s important to pinpoint the specific issue to ensure an effective solution. Checking for blockages and contacting the utility company or a plumber when necessary will help you restore normal water pressure and ensure the efficient functioning of your plumbing system.

Main Water Line Break or Leak

Water main breaks or leaks can be major plumbing issues that require immediate attention. While the responsibility for fixing a public delivery line lies with the municipality, a break in the delivery line to your home is your responsibility. These issues typically require professional plumbers and may involve significant repairs or replacement of pipes.

A water main break or leak can cause disruption to your home’s water supply and potentially lead to water damage within the vicinity. It is crucial to take prompt action to minimize the impact of the break or leak.

Sewer Line Issues

Sewer line issues can be a major headache for homeowners. These problems often arise from clogs caused by flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, such as wipes, feminine hygiene products, or excessive toilet paper. Over time, these clogs can lead to blockages in the sewer line, resulting in backups and potential damage to your plumbing system.

Dealing with Clogs

If you’re experiencing sewer line issues, the first step is to have a professional inspect the problem. In some cases, simple clogs can be cleared using professional cleaning methods, such as hydro jetting or snaking. These techniques can break up and remove the clogs, restoring proper flow in the sewer line.

Pipe Replacement

However, for older homes with clay pipes, sewer line issues may require more extensive measures. Clay pipes are prone to cracking and decay over time, and repeated clogs can exacerbate these problems. In such cases, pipe replacement may be necessary to ensure the long-term functioning of your sewer line.

Sewer line pipe replacement involves removing the old clay pipes and installing newer, more durable pipes, such as PVC or HDPE. This process can be complex and typically requires professional assistance to ensure proper installation and alignment.

By addressing sewer line issues promptly, you can prevent backups and further damage to your plumbing system. Regular maintenance and avoiding flushing inappropriate items down the toilet can help keep your sewer line free from clogs and extend the lifespan of your pipes.

Other Common Plumbing Problems

In addition to the common plumbing issues mentioned above, homeowners may also encounter a few other problems related to their plumbing systems. These include:

Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucets are not only annoying but can also lead to wasted water and increased utility bills. The constant dripping can also cause wear and tear on the faucet over time. Most leaky faucet issues can be resolved by replacing worn-out washers or other components.

Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can cause water damage to your home if left unaddressed. The source of the leak could be a loose joint or a damaged pipe. It’s important to identify and fix the leak as soon as possible to prevent further damage and the growth of mold and mildew.

Water Pressure Issues

Water pressure problems can be frustrating, especially when the water flow in your home is inconsistent or weak. Low water pressure can be caused by various factors, including a faulty pressure regulator, mineral buildup in the pipes, or a problem with the municipal water supply. Consulting with a plumber can help diagnose and solve the issue.

Water Filtration Issues

For homeowners concerned about the quality of their drinking water, water filtration issues can be a common concern. Problems may arise from a malfunctioning filtration system or the need to upgrade to a more efficient system to address particular contaminants. A professional can assess your water quality and recommend appropriate filtration solutions.

Each of these problems requires specific solutions tailored to the issue at hand. Depending on the severity and complexity of the problem, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of a professional plumber to ensure proper repair and maintenance.


Being aware of common plumbing issues and their solutions can help homeowners address problems quickly and efficiently. Taking prompt action is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the smooth operation of your plumbing system.

From simple tasks such as replacing washers in a dripping faucet to more complex issues like repairing or replacing pipes, homeowners can tackle many common plumbing problems on their own. However, it’s important to understand your limitations and seek professional assistance if needed.

If you’re unsure about the best course of action or the severity of the issue, don’t hesitate to consult a professional plumber for expert advice and assistance. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and resolve plumbing problems effectively, saving you time, money, and potential headaches in the long run.